Saturday, June 13, 2009

I am so ready to start ballet class next week. I've been practicing.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Look how much I've grown!!

This first one was taken Sept 2008. My dress is almost at my ankles!!

And this one, my mommy took just this morning!! June 12,2009.
Same dress!! Here, let me model it for you!!

Pretty soon it's gonna be a halter top.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Saturday, June 06, 2009

I went to the Wild Animal Park!! Well, sorta....

Here's a view of the park!

We met up with my friend Avonlea!!

And we saw some LIONS on our way in to the park!!

We planned to go on the Roar & Snore!! Which really means see the park and spend the night!!

The elephants lived right next door to the tents!!

But Avonlea and I were having just as much fun playing on the hammock.

Right, Av?

Here's my Daddy!!

And we saw giraffes!

And then, when our parents realized, "This is it??" "And we paid how much???"
We roar and floored it on out of there and got our money back!!

But we had a really good time seeing Avonlea and her Mommy and Daddy and hope we can come up with a new plan really soon!!
Mom and I went blueberry picking!!!

And then she made a pie. Yum.