Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Some really cool shots my dad took around our house during the rain...

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Every week I go to the Little Gym!! People always ask me what I do there so here's a few shots. I was tired on this day so I sorta did my own thing, but here's an idea of some stuff we do...
Hula-Hoops today...

...we do all kinds of stuff with the hoops...

walk with them...

Roll them and chase them. Fun stuff!!

We get to hang on the bars.... my personal favorite...

...hang out upside down and do somersaults...

We practice our jumping on the spring board...

There's Miss Mel... she shows us how to use the parallel bars...

I was practicing over at the balance beam...

Then came the balls!!!!

And the bubbles.....

... and then we all get on our tummies on the floor and sing a goodbye song and bang the floor and then we get hand stamps!!! Yayyyyy LG!!

And then we get in the car and we're very tired and we take a nap.

What are these? I kinda like these...

What?? Spagettios??

Oooh, that's hard to say.

They're GENIUS, though.
Yesterday it was so beautiful (and windy) and we went up to the top of the hill to visit our neighbors that live above us! They're like the "King and Queen" of the mountain. They pretty much own everything above us and then some.
They also have a 360 degree view of everything!! Here's some shots of... just about everything!

This is looking sorta southeast down into H. Valley from the road along the top ridge.
It was dusk so sorry the pix are a little dark...

That's west. And yes, that's the ocean way out there...

Here I am!!

My favorite part was driving the tractor.

Those are those electrical towers above us. The ones where we always say "Look up and find the electrical towers at the top of the hill and go straight down... and that's our house."

There was our destination... The R's house... it's like The Emerald City...
"Oh Toto, look... "

And there they are, Hank and Eleanor.

They graciously invited us all into their house and Eleanor made us a big plate of delicious super yummy cookies! She makes them for us every year and my mom eats the entire plate in about a day. I don't think this year will be any different.

Here are a few more views from their house...


It sure was beautiful up there at sunset!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Okay, so I posted a photo of my cousin, the other day. And then I checked into my Aunt Julie's blog and she had even more photos!! I'm even going to steal and post some of what she posted about them...
First, here's one of my cousins (the one standing in the back left). This photo was published December 11 in the NY Times about the New York Youth Symphony, he's one of the percussion section. He's a senior in high school, and a drummer (and was a tap dancer in his younger days), but he's a serious percussion player. He'll be going to Julliard or The Curtis Institute of Music next year to study classical percussion.

His two sisters are both professional dancers... one in Philadelphia and the other in Boston.
Here's another shot of Rebecca (the same one from the last post) she dances for the Philadephia Ballet. A few weeks ago, this picture was in the NY Times when the company performed "Swan Lake" in NYC. R is the 2nd from the right, standing in the back.

I don't have any recent pix of my 3rd cousin. Sorry Jess! I'll work on it.
Mazed and confused? Maybe.
Grandma and Grandpa got me this cool bead maze!!

It's got all kinds of cool stuff!! Hey, what's this down here??

WOW! And check this out!!

Alphabet blocks!! Cool!
Wait, what are alphabet blocks??

Pretty nifty, Grandma and Grandpa! Thanks!!