Monday, February 22, 2010

I got to be Shabbat Star - or Rock Star as I like to call it - at school!!
My day started in the classroom where I get to be the leader!! We go through all the days of the month and the weekday names...

And then we go to the temple for the service...
It's better to put your yamukah on your head and not your face.

I have been waiting all semester to be the rock star but now that I'm here, can we go back and sit down??

Okay, just one piece of challah, if I have to.

I did much better back in the classroom.
I say the prayer over the candles...

And we sing.
Li li li li li li li li li li
Li li li li li li li li li li

Li li li li li li li li li li

Li li li li li

Then we do the prayer over the apple juice.

And then the hamozi!! My favorite frayer!!

Here's my bff Ariella having some challah.

Here's my whole class having snack!!

This is Josh winking at my mommy!!

Then Miss Nancy read the story that I brought in.

Called "Bringing Down the Moon". Mommy and I read this book before we go to bed.

Then it's playtime on the yard!!
I ride the bus.

I climb on the junglegym.

I look really cute :)

And my favorite, swinging on the monkey bars!!

I'm really glad my mommy came to see me be a rockstar!

Sunday, February 07, 2010

My Mommy took me to see "MARY POPPINS" - The Musical!!
My first LIVE show!!
We had the first balcony so the view was awesome!!!

There's Mary and Burt on the rooftops of London!!

Step in Time!!

And then Burt walked up the side of the stage!!

And over the top!!!

How did he do that?????

Let's go fly a kite!! (or a giant umbrella!!)

And then Mary flew off into the sky!!

Higher and higher above the audience...


"Mommy, can I fly with my umbrella like Mary Poppins??"
Here's what "SNOWDAY" in Cali is like!!
A nice pile of shaved ice on the grass? Hey wait! The flyer said there would be 15 tons!!!

There's enough for a 6" snowman!!!

Here's my friend Julia all decked out in her snow gear!!
(Remember, this is California. It's 70 degrees outside!!)

We played til my hands froze...

...threw a few snowballs...

There was a little bunny hill for sledding, too... here's Miles and his Daddy!!


And there I am ready to go!!

But that's the only shot I got cause I chickened out.
And really, who need actual snow when you've got SNOW CONES!!




Now THAT was fun!!!
Took my first karate class with my friend Candace!!

First class was pretty fun!!
We did "Run and KICK!"

And we did "STEP-PUNCH!"


We not only do some karate moves but we get some exercise in too!!

At the end of the class our teacher sits us all down and asks us questions like...
What's your phone number??
What's your address??
How do you spell your name??
And then he gives us a colored stripe on our belts if we answer correctly :)

Thanks Candace for having fun in class with me today!!

Of course, then I went to the next class and I wouldn't even get off the bench.
Ya win some, ya lose some.