Saturday, May 30, 2009

I did it! I did it! I did it!!

I got my first dart IN the board!!

An 11. Take THAT Weasels!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

My mommy shot this time-lapse of the caterpillars transformation to cocoon.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Chief Watercolor. Paint on face.

And hands.

And body.

And then paint toenails.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I got all dressed up for Maddie's FIRST Birthday party!

I got my pigtails in and everything!!

And even though I took my ponytails out before I got there, what a cool party it was!!
Here's the balloon man!! And by the way, the greatest balloon man on the entire planet if anyone ever needs one, let me know!!

He made a mac truck for Michael! Yes, a truck!!

And I got a purple elephant!!

These two sisters were totally mesmerized.
They're not twins, but Mom wants to know if they remind anyone else of the twins from "The Shining"?

The food was pretty spectacular!!

And the desserts.... mmmmmm cupcakes! Can't wait to eat one!!

But I'll just rest here while til the cupcakes are passed out...

Maddie gets to eat one first, I guess.

I think she's wondering what to do with it! I KNOW I KNOW!!!

So she fed some to her Mommy.

And some to her Daddy.

And since she didn't get any on her face, I decided to get it ALL on mine!!

Here's Michael on the swing after cupcakes. Cause really, it's just all about the cupcakes.

And here's the winning balloon!


Peace, out (from Asher).
Just me and Dad, playin a game of darts!!

Hold the darts like this...

Aim for the bullseye...

and BAM!!

Lemme try that again!!

aim and....


Triple 15!! Well, not really, but something to shoot for!!

Good game, Dad!!

Watch out, Weasels, HERE I COME!!!
Strangely, my mommy and daddy came to school for Shabat dinner! My class got to go up on the bima and sing a song!! Here I am in my blue dress!! Okay, I didn't really sing, but at least I went up and stayed this time! Last time I ran off to sit in Mommy's lap.

And I even got to go with Ms. Nancy when the teachers did the prayer over the bread!!

Here's my fave pal Jayden next to me! And that's Cameron next to him.

Here's Cameron and Jayden again with my friend Audrey.

And here I am with Audrey and Jonah. Jonah talks a LOT!!

And there's that weird kid in class.

Okay okay, he IS weird, but he's my DADDY!!!

And I love him very much!!

Thanks for coming to my school, Mommy and Daddy!!

Monday, May 11, 2009