Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Who said "Patience is a virtue"?

I know you're all waiting anxiously and no
one more than myself would LOOVE to
tell you all about it... but, the little alien
just isn't cooked yet!! What can I tell ya.
AND I'm not even considered "late" for
another 2 weeks (ugh)!! So sit back and
relax and enjoy your last few days of freedom
while you can!
Oh, wait, that's me.

I'll let you know what I know when I know it!
Happy contractions!!

Friday, July 21, 2006

If I didn't take the picture myself, I wouldn't believe it!!

For those of you who didn't catch that,
here's a close-up...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Amazing sunset tonight...

even Scruffers brought his fat little
butt over to check it out...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

As Tom Petty says, "The wa-ai-tin' is the hardest part..."
and I couldn't agree more.
Needless to say, Baby Irete has not made an arrival
yet, but funny how there's not enough time, and yet,
way too much time.
Not much to tell, really. Just analyzing every little
poke and cramp and contraction and it could be, oh,
anytime. But for now, no news is.... uh.... no news.
I do have some photos for your entertainment, however.
This is one of those "too much time" moments...

Here's me and my belly in what I hope will be the
last shot of my belly you'll see. Hurry up, kid!!
Come on out and play!!!

Here's MY POV of my belly... rather lopsided.
No question which side the butt is on.

I'm laying on my side here... I think I was having
a contraction with little butt parts poking out...

and for absolutely no reason at all,
here's a few shots of the critters...
Scruffers was camera shy on this
day I guess.

Michele Zug... this is pretty much Vina's
response to Allan not wanting her to sit
on the car. It's a little hard to tell but she's
sticking her tongue out. Hee hee... sorry Allan!!

And of course, last but not least...
okay, well at least hopefully last shot
of the always growing feet. Am I starting
to gross you all out? Or is it just me?

Monday, July 10, 2006

I got plastered last night!!
Okay, it was a plaster cast of my belly...
David wanted to wait til I was huge, as if I'm not now,
but I thought we'd better just get it overwith... It was fun, and
messy and by the time we were finished, it was painful!
However I was sitting made both my legs and feet (oh, the dreaded feet)
fall asleep and puff up even more (if that's possible) and I thought,
as my friend Amy wrote today, "my little sausage toes were going to pop right off!"
Forget the body cast, I should've done a cast of my feet!!!

Came out pretty cool though...
Now I just have to decide how to decorate it.
Whatta ya think, leopard print??

Here's our art show of the final results...

I happen to like the ghost shot the best...

David's favorites are the porn shots!!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Booties by Michele...

Had brunch with the Zug sisters today and Michele made me the cutest little set of booties and mittens for the baby! Thank you so much, Michele! I know you knitted your little fingers to the bone to get these done for me and they truly cannot possibly be any cuter! I love them!!
And so will Baby Irete... LOVE the upright groovy booty look... AND, of course, the ever popular folded down booty... not only warm but stylish!!

Michele suggested I start a pool to guess the sex and due date... Zug sisters both say BOY due the week of the 20th, which isn't very specific, ladies! Michele suggested the prize be a free night of babysitting!! Hooray!! But, okay, mostly I'm just curious for kicks and giggles...
I won't hold you to the babysitting. So anyone who'd like to pitch in and vote, I'll let you know who comes the closest. (Lisa Lo, you can only vote on due date here...)

Don't mean to keep advertising my feet,
but today's feet have taken on a life of their own.
Those can't possibly be attached to my body, can they??

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Bump of the Month...

For those of you keeping up, here I am in July, larger, yet again!
And not done yet, I could still have a few weeks to go...

Remember the good ole days???
Here's how far I've... grown!
These were taken in Feb and July...

Oh, and look! My feet have grown too... in width...

I thought my feet were bad and David and my Dad both asked
why my lips are swollen...
sadly, even my lips have gained weight.

But... hoping for "any day now"...
the less shots taken like these probably the better...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The 4th of July has come and gone once again....
Here's Lisa and me, the two mom's, enjoying the festivities!!

Oh relax people...
we were just kidding!!

D took some nice fireworks shots though...

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Pic from today's ultrasound...

After all the pushing and prodding and lights and radios and ice packs and finally doctors, the little alien is finally head down!! Whether it stays that way is anyone's guess, but I'll go with it.

They tell me I have a good 3 weeks to go. I"m pretty sure I'm going to pop though... feet first. My poor little fattie feet! the picture doesn't do them justice...

and I had to cut off my toe ring! It got too tight.
I've had that toe ring on since I was 15 at summercamp. Bummer.

and D of course, who's feeling very svelt these days...
as he probably should... I actually weigh as much as he does.