Wednesday, February 21, 2007

It's 2:20am and I'm doing the one thing I thought I wouldn't be able to do and that's letting Ever just cry it out. And is she ever!! She's been up every 2 hours (or so) for quite a few weeks now and something has to give. Dr. Fairy Godmother (her pediatrician) said, "No more nursing every two hours - you have to let her cry it out!!" So, she's now, literally as I'm writing this, FINALLY exhausted and quiet. Gee, it only took an hour and a half!!! Yes, that's an hour and a half of solid crying and screaming. Sound like torture? Believe me, I think it hurt me far worse than it hurt her. Ahhh, the joys of parenting. And even more, the joy of silence.

1 comment:

Juls said...

It's so freaking painful. We did the same thing but couldn't take it. I get it. Good luck.