Monday, May 03, 2010

Start spreading the news...

I'm leaving today...

I want to be a part of it...

New York New York!!!

First stop: John's Pizza!!
Here's me and my cousin Carly in a brief moment where we weren't bickering!!
(No I wanna be first, no I wanna be in front, no I wanna push the button, no I want that one, no I wanna sit there, no I want the middle.... and so on and on and on and on...)

After dinner we went to the GIGANTIC ToysRUs to take a ride on the ferris wheel, but I wanted to sit next to Carly, not Mommy!!!



Can I have this Hello Kitty jewelry box, Mom,

MMM. Rainbow lollipop.

And in case we didn't get enough candy, we stopped at the MnM store!!
Here's Carly and Aunt Julie picking their colors!!

I got pink and purple!!

That's the BIGGEST MnM I've EVER seen!!!!

Okay, now that we're all sugared up, it's off to bed!!

The next day at the fountain just after breakfast with Nana!!

And then off to more food... here I am modeling and waiting for my sister Devon for lunch!!

DEVON!! You're so pretty!! So glad I got to see you!!

Sorry it was so short though!! Hugs goodbye!!

Here's Mommy and me on the subway back uptown!

Blue MnM.

These were taken in Connecticut from the car on the way to temple.

Reading in services.

Nana and Uncle Manny!!

Carly and me and Rebecca at dinner!!

There's cousin Lisa with us, too!!

Cousin Alex!! He's the bar mitzvah boy!

Me and Rebecca holding hands. I like your blue nailpolish!!

Then the crankies set in. Here's me and Carly sleeping on the floor.

This is the next morning at Alex's bar mitzvah.

I tried I tried I tried to pay attention!!

Is it over yet??

Time for the afterparty!!

Here's Uncle Manny with his favorite flower, lilacs!

Uncle Manny and Cousin Lisa

Beautiful cousin Rebecca Stanton and her hubby Chris!!

Playing skeeball...

Here's Carly playing video games!!

Air hockey with Josh and Rebecca

I was a little short for the hockey table... but I held my own and made a few goals!!

Okay, so they probably let me win.

Here's all the boys playing Red Rover!!

Cousins Karen and Josh!!

Aunt Julie and cousin Lisa

Acting silly.

I love cousin Rebecca!!

And then we had super yummy dessert!!!

How deadly, I mean, yummy does that look??!!??

Silly chocolate heaven!!!

Talking trees with Uncle Manny.

And Aunt Lani.

And Rebecca.

And LOOK!! Here I am sitting under a tree with Rebecca.

We're at Uncle Manny's house in Connecticut.

Me and Carly rockin out.

Watching Lisa play baseball.
Swing Lisa swing Lisa swing Lisa swing Lisa swing Lisa!!!!
Nothing like distracting the batter.

Nana and Uncle Manny

Cousin Karen rubbing noses with me through the screen.

Rebecca, Lisa, and Lisa's son Chris

Alex is pooped after the bar mitzvah. I don't blame him.

Chris and Rebecca and Jessie

Here's a photo of all the cousins!! Every 20 years is way too long for everyone to visit!!
My mommy won't let that happen again!!!
Top Row L-R: Rebecca S., Mommy, Karen, Julie, Rebecca A.
Bot Row L-R: Jessica, Josh, Chris, Lisa

And here's EVERYONE!!
Mommy, Chris, Augie, Nana, Jessica, Chris, Rebecca
Rebecca, Karen, Amelia, Carly, Lisa Julie
Ellie, Josh, Lani, Manny
ME!, Alex, Cooper, Chris

Thanks everyone for actually getting in one room so my Mommy could take a photo!!
It was soooooo great to see you and meet you all!!!!! We had so much fun!!!
Hopefully we'll be back for Cooper's bar mitzvah next year!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello from France: I was thrilled to see these photos! So many of the family whom I have not seen for YEARS - not to mention a group of beautiful smaller cousins to all of whom I send a big hug!

I also thank heartily the photographer who took the excellent portrait of my Rebecca and her Chris.


Frances Stanton