Sunday, December 16, 2007

Okay, so I posted a photo of my cousin, the other day. And then I checked into my Aunt Julie's blog and she had even more photos!! I'm even going to steal and post some of what she posted about them...
First, here's one of my cousins (the one standing in the back left). This photo was published December 11 in the NY Times about the New York Youth Symphony, he's one of the percussion section. He's a senior in high school, and a drummer (and was a tap dancer in his younger days), but he's a serious percussion player. He'll be going to Julliard or The Curtis Institute of Music next year to study classical percussion.

His two sisters are both professional dancers... one in Philadelphia and the other in Boston.
Here's another shot of Rebecca (the same one from the last post) she dances for the Philadephia Ballet. A few weeks ago, this picture was in the NY Times when the company performed "Swan Lake" in NYC. R is the 2nd from the right, standing in the back.

I don't have any recent pix of my 3rd cousin. Sorry Jess! I'll work on it.

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