Monday, July 10, 2006

I got plastered last night!!
Okay, it was a plaster cast of my belly...
David wanted to wait til I was huge, as if I'm not now,
but I thought we'd better just get it overwith... It was fun, and
messy and by the time we were finished, it was painful!
However I was sitting made both my legs and feet (oh, the dreaded feet)
fall asleep and puff up even more (if that's possible) and I thought,
as my friend Amy wrote today, "my little sausage toes were going to pop right off!"
Forget the body cast, I should've done a cast of my feet!!!

Came out pretty cool though...
Now I just have to decide how to decorate it.
Whatta ya think, leopard print??

Here's our art show of the final results...

I happen to like the ghost shot the best...

David's favorites are the porn shots!!

1 comment:

Juls said...

what's missing is David with the profile of the body mask. Your belly on him. And yeah, the naked stuff? TMI. LOL.